My Marquee content
Collected from Nov/2010
1965Born...1988...1992Family grow up...2002Janet believe in God...2010Sean entered NCTU Computer Science & Wayne win Ipod Touch award...2011 Wayne received Literature award & Ranking #2 in class 2011Moved into new Townhouse'...2012Shuchuan received the New Ipad award...Wayne enter NCHU Civiling Engineering...Ken entered NCUE Mechantronics ...2014 Vincent Believe in God ... 2016 阿綱碩士考上台大,中央,成大,決定台大應力研究所; 阿維碩士考上交大,台科大,中央, 決定上交大土木結構組...2018 Sean start 3 years 工研院國防替代役; Mom start to Squat, Lunge...Wayne flied to UK Manchester & give a oral presentation in conference & passed master's Oral Exam & finally serve 4 month in army; Mom & Vincent flied to Germany Dresden for Epi project support & enjoy the beautiful Dresden, Prague & Berlin; Thanks Sean's gift for Epifamily Could Backup system...
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